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This site relates to the Gonsalves and Xavier families, of Guyana. The core of the older information came from Augustinho Gonsalves, who lived to be 104 years old. He died in 1998, in Toronto, Canada.
To find the names of persons in these family trees, use the Search tool to the right. The links labeled "GONSALVES" and "XAVIER" at the top left hand side of this page will take you to the oldest person in the trees. Use the "Descendant" tab to move down the trees.
For privacy, unregistered users should see the first names of living persons abbreviated to their initials. Registered users should see full names. To register, please contact normgon@yahoo.com.
The Journey of A.T.
Written by his son Neville Gonsalves
Read here about the life of Augustinho Gonsalves, who lived to be over 104 years old.
"A.T.", as he was fondly known, was gifted with a wonderful and resilient memory. He provided the core of the information on this website, about his own family (Gonsalves) and his wife's (Xavier).
Other articles about family members would be most welcome for publication on this site.
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If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.